Wildine's Story |
My mom gave birth to me when she was 15, my father abandoned her and I only knew him in pictures. It made life really difficult for us. My mom worked hard to provide for my sister and me, but when I entered 9th grade my mom told me she could no longer pay for me to go to school.
I desperately needed an education to alleviate my mom of the financial burden she carried, so I began to use my body in order to continue school. This choice led me to clubs where I abused alcohol to prepare me for what the night might hold. I couldn't resist having many men around me. I loved making challenges between them for my attention and services. It was a dangerous game. A friend saw the life I was living and she encouraged me to come to Haiti Teen Challenge. When I entered the program I began to realize how different life could be and I wanted that change. I accepted Christ as my Savior and I now know that my past is not important but my future is. I am proud of the person I am today. I want to help others. I have been part of the teams that have gone down to the south of Haiti to assist those who lost everything last fall during Hurricane Matthew. Having never been out of Port-au-Prince before I was awed by the beauty of my nation. Even with the devastation it had suffered it was beautiful and I want to give all I can to help restore my country. Because of you I am now pursuing my university dream to become a nurse. Thank you for your investment and contribution into my life. |