Rendezvous Christ Church
Catalyst for Sustainable Transformation
Through the Rendezvous Christ Church (RVC) community, our students have wise and steadfast mentors showing them a new way of living. RVC nourishes and provides ongoing growth and accountability after graduation; opens doors of opportunity for jobs and internships; leading the movement to transform the nation of Haiti for God's glory.
HTC is bringing the youth of Haiti into the church! Students and Graduates lead the way by leading small groups, worship teams, children's ministries and community outreach. They are the "hands and feet" of RVC.
The Synergy between HTC and RVC is Extraordinary!

A thriving church body is the catalyst for sustainable transformation, because it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that Haitians will be able to rebuild their nation for God's splendor and glory.
Rendezvous Christ Church (RVC) is an organic outreach of Haiti Teen Challenge. HTC graduates were rejected from the local church because of their past so they gathered together on Sunday and RVC was born. Today RVC ministers weekly to over 2,500 people in two locations and is committed to transforming their nation through the power of the gospel and prayer.
At RVC the walls of Haiti are crumbling as the poor worship with the rich, the uneducated with the educated, and those with influence worship with those who have had no voice. RVC is building Christian community, providing spiritual growth, tending to those in need and helping to create strategic partnerships. In addition, it is providing Godly models for God's design of family, marketplace practices, and leadership.
Rendezvous Christ Church (RVC) is an organic outreach of Haiti Teen Challenge. HTC graduates were rejected from the local church because of their past so they gathered together on Sunday and RVC was born. Today RVC ministers weekly to over 2,500 people in two locations and is committed to transforming their nation through the power of the gospel and prayer.
At RVC the walls of Haiti are crumbling as the poor worship with the rich, the uneducated with the educated, and those with influence worship with those who have had no voice. RVC is building Christian community, providing spiritual growth, tending to those in need and helping to create strategic partnerships. In addition, it is providing Godly models for God's design of family, marketplace practices, and leadership.
“Lasting positive change is impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit,
and praying for change is the central tool.”
When Helping Hurts, by Brian Fikkert and Steven Corbett
and praying for change is the central tool.”
When Helping Hurts, by Brian Fikkert and Steven Corbett
To learn more about RVC, visit